Why screen glasses?
We live totally surrounded by screens, spending almost nine hours a day, on average, in front of digital devices. All these devices emit blue light, and since our eyes aren’t protected against this overexposure, the light can be detrimental.
Potential side effects are:

Is staring at a screen for hours each day bad?

The short answer? Probably.
Doctors and researchers are largely focused on two issues that arise from our ever-growing screen time: Digital eye strain and blue light exposure.
According to the American Optometric Association, digital eye strain is “a group of eye- and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use.” Those issues range from blurry vision and dry eyes, to headaches and neck pain.
By staring at screens all day, we’re also exposed to blue light waves, which are said to cause a myriad of issues. There is conflicting evidence about how blue light exposure affects your eyes, but doctors and researches are in agreement that it does affect your circadian rhythm. More on that below.
How does blue light affect sleep?
When the sun goes down, the lack of light signals our bodies to start producing melatonin, the hormone responsible for making us fall asleep.
Before the advent of artificial light, the sun regulated our sleep schedules. But today, we’re exposed to light all day and into the night. While exposure to any light waves after dark delays our bodies’ production of melatonin, blue light waves can be especially problematic because they keep us alert.
Barner glasses’ hard lenses are made with ultra thin layers with the following characteristics:

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