Basepaws cat DNA test review


Basepaws test was started by Anna Skaya in 2016 as a consumer genetics test for cats. Like human DNA research, the aim of Basepaws is to find genetic mutations with ancestry (breed) data and screening that could increase the risk of disease.

Basepaws brands itself as the first company of its kind, offering DNA sequencing directly to the customer pet. In 2016, on the TV show Shark Tank, they got funding from two investors to grow their company. Currently, Basepaws is based in El Segundo, California , United States. Data collection, which they hope to use for the production of potential items, such as pet food and pet health coaching services, is a major part of their business model.

What you get

Basepaws is a service that checks your cat’s DNA. Basepaws will sequence the DNA of your cat from a simple cheek swab, like many human services (watch out for those teeth). Through studying the genetic material of your cat, Basepaws asserts that:

1. Assess the client breed characteristics and heritage of your cat, and

2. Screen your cat for possible health issues

Both the breed and health information are organized into several different categories.

By comparing the genetic information to recognized breeds, a Basepaws report gives you information on the heritage and ethnicity of your cat. It can divide the breed of your cat into groups, such as American shorthair, Maine Coon, etc. This data can be used to figure out what your cat’s mix of breeds could be. It also helps them to define what type of wild cat your cat is most like (cheetah, cougar, leopard, tiger).

Knowing the breed of your cat will tell you if it is predisposed to some genetic illnesses. Without a DNA test, several owners and vets attempt to visually evaluate the cat for a breed. This determination can be challenging because most cats, genetically identical to many different breeds, are mixed breeds.

Basepaws looks at the genes that are linked to such diseases by examining the DNA and genetic markers of your cat. They create a genetic marker report from this, which offers a customized health report for you. Knowing this data will help you make more educated decisions about your pet’s wellbeing.

Our understanding of feline health continues to expand, just like the breed data. When Basepaws knows more about feline genetics, your cat’s report is revised with the Breed + Health Test and Full Genome Test.

Review of Basepaws Products

At differing price points, Basepaw provides three services. The higher levels contain many of the features of lower-priced facilities. We will address what you get out of each tier in the following pages. Below, these programs are summarized.

Review of Basepaws science

Consumer testing is becoming more affordable and more popular as the price of genetic sequencing declines. Increased access to this technology also means more resources are open for businesses to deliver innovative services.

The same genetic testing methods that other businesses use to analyze human DNA are used by Basepaws. Although most research is focused on the human genome, the area of feline genetics has led to limited studies. While there may be little knowledge on the feline genome, Basepaws is incorporating new research to update its studies.

The first move is to register your test kit for cat DNA online. Registration helps the laboratory, when they obtain it at their laboratory, to recognise which sample is your cat’s.

The next move is to take a sample from your pet using a cheek swab tool. This is one of the easiest ways to get a DNA sample, but not all cats are willing to take part.

Review of Basepaws reports

To access its account and cat DNA report, customers can use their Basepaws login. Basepaws presents a sample report based on the assistant to the CEO, Koko. The following parts explain in more detail the sections of the study.

Breed reports

Cat owners know that all of the world’s cats are special (particularly theirs). Based on the genetic similarities of all cats, their characteristics can be split into four foundational breed classes. The Eastern, Western, Persian, and Exotic groups are these groups. These classes are further divided into unique breeds, such as Burmese, Ragdoll, Himalayan, and Egyptian Mau.

A domestic cat is unlikely to fall 100% into any one of these categories. Generally speaking, the majority of cats would be a combination of all four.

There is also a personalized Chromosome Map in the breed study. Cats have 1 sex chromosome and 18 chromosome pairs that are autosomal (non-sex-related). Basepaws explores and contrasts unique regions of these chromosomes with distinct breed classes and breeds. Similar genomic regions do not necessarily imply pedigree or ancestry, they note, but suggest that a connection-exist.

Genetic health

Genetic mutations are related to many diseases. Basepaws lists your cat as Clear, Carrier, At Risk, or At High Risk for each illness reported. If any of these disease markers come back as “At Risk” or “At High Risk,” they recommend you consult a vet. Below is an example of the Basepaws Study for a common disease.

Click here to test your cat today!

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