Discovering together “Tree Hugger Cloth Pads”

A little bit about the brand History

Tree Hugger Cloth Pads founded by Crystal Burton, a Mom of two, who is passionate about both saving the environment and saving money. Crystal looked up alternatives to disposable pads and found cloth menstrual pads. Such a simple idea that had been around forever yet somehow had been forgotten.
She started off with 3 flannel topped cloth pads and from that moment on never looked back. No more skin irritations, rashes or itchiness.

Tree Hugger Cloth Pads is now proud to employ many work-at-home individuals. Each and every pad is handmade by one of our fabulous seamstresses. They all work from their own homes (no daily commute) and set their own hours. Some work only a few hours a week and some work many depending on their family’s needs/commitments.
Announced mission is simple: to provide the highest quality pads with the best customer service. They take great pride in their company with a commitment to customer service and in the products they sell.

As well as helping an environment with an even bigger positive impact by not only saving thousands of pads from the landfills (each cloth pad replaces approximately 200 disposable pads) but also start planting a tree for every pantyliner and pad sold. Thousands of trees are planted each year!

What we have discovered about Tree Hugger Pads

The most important benefit we have discovered about reusable pads that many people don’t even think about is that they are safer for you. Disposable period products are filled with chemicals that you don’t want in your body. Many companies don’t even list the ingredients on disposable pad and tampon packaging, likely because they don’t want you to be aware of all the nasty chemicals that they are filled with.

With disposable pads, your body is laying against these chemicals all day long. With tampons, you are actually inserting these chemicals directly into your body! Many people have sensitive skin and disposable period products are more likely to cause irritation than reusables.

Another benefit is saving the money! Think of all the money you spend on pads and tampons every month for years of your life. When you buy reusable pads, it will be expensive at first, but once you have enough to get you through a cycle, you can re-use them for 5-10 years. You can see how much money you’ll save by checking out the Savings Calculator on the Tree Hugger Cloth Pads website.

We were surprised by variety of colors and sizes presented by Tree Hugger Cloth Pads.

We recommend you to look up yourself on their website, as it’s never late to discover new things as at MaksiResult we always do 😉

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